Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Thousand Years After


I'm back. No, I did not come bearing gifts. =(

I'm still undecided on whether or not to post the pictures I found online that were taken during his Planet Kidz gigs. I'm kind of weighing the implications of posting them. You know... copyright and all... So in the meantime, here's a not so new news.

Michael posted a blog a few days ago and here's an interesting excerpt:
I was definately not depressed after bein cut from idol! I saw that they made me look like i dropped my head or whatever, but theres cameras around 24/7, that clip was from another time sittin in that room, because we knew before they came in we were the cut room and so when they told us, we had already planned to jump around and cheer, and we did! But of course they edited it to look like we were all gonna die!

This was in response to a fan who asked if he was depressed after his elimination after the final round in Hollywood.

The entire blog is an interesting read. Do check it out on his MySpace.

And hey, I haven't been able to update as often as I would have wanted, because of some pressing matters I had to attend to. Hopefully, I'd be able to post more stuff in the coming days.

You all take care.


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