Friday, January 16, 2009

Michael Castro's Audition Night Draws Audience


Disclaimer: That's not exactly what the article's title says. Hahaa.


From Reality Blurred:

American Idol 8’s second night, which featured Kansas City auditions and Jason Castro’s brother Michael Castro (Kara: “You have this, ‘I have a secret’ vibe”), drew more viewers than its first night, a significant achievement.

As Fox said in a press release, that’s “the first time in five years that American Idol’s Wednesday premiere has increased over its Tuesday debut in Adults 18-49 (since Jan ‘04) and the first time in the five years that Total Viewers retained at least 100% of its Tuesday debut audience.”


Ratings increased during the episode where Jason and Michael appeared? Really? No kidding!

Hmmm... I wonder what aroused the viewers interest. *insert smug look here*

Heh. Two words= Castro Boys.

No wait, make that (counts fingers just like Michael) five = Castro Boys and their talents.


Or their faces; or hair; or PANTS.

Take a pick. No wrong answer.


Don't you just love the way the AI logo is strategically situated? =p

The way the Castro Boys sit is, definitely, NOT girly.

Michael Castro , Kansas City Audition


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